Troostwijk Veilingen B.V.
Troostwijk Veilingen B.V.
In stock: 551 ads
6 years at Machineryline
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In stock: 551 ads
6 years at Machineryline
95 years on the market

Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane for sale by auction

Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 2
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 3
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 4
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 5
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 6
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 7
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 8
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 9
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 10
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 11
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 12
Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane image 13
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Type: mini crane
Year of manufacture: 2015
Load capacity: 544 kg
Net weight: 75 kg
Gross weight: 619 kg
Location: Netherlands Tijnje
Seller stock ID: A1-29765
Auction 1
Ending date: 2025-03-18 21:50
Placed on: Feb 28, 2025
Condition: used

More details — Thern commander 5PT10G mini crane

Weight capacity up to 1,200 lb (544 kg); pneumatic operation; 360º rotatable; Anchor with quick coupling; hand winch with worm gear and pedestal base; galvanized / stainless steel version; weight approx. 75 kg; For more details, see the table
brand: Thern commander
Draagvermogen tot 1.200 lb (544 kg)
pneumatische bediening
360º draaibaar
Anker met snelkoppeling
handlier met wormwiel en voetstukbasis
gegalvaniseerde / rvs uitvoering
gewicht ca. 75 kg
zie voor meer details hijtabel
Gewichtskapazität bis zu 1.200 lb (544 kg); pneumatischer Betrieb; 360º drehbar; Anker mit Schnellkupplung; Handwinde mit Schneckengetriebe und Sockel; Ausführung verzinkt / Edelstahl; Gewicht ca. 75 kg; Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in der Tabelle
Capacité de poids jusqu’à 1 200 lb (544 kg) ; fonctionnement pneumatique ; Pivotant à 360º ; Ancrage avec raccord rapide ; treuil à main avec vis sans fin et socle ; version galvanisée / acier inoxydable ; poids env. 75 kg ; Pour plus de détails, consultez le tableau
Capacità di peso fino a 544 kg (1.200 libbre); funzionamento pneumatico; girevole a 360º; Ancora con attacco rapido; verricello a mano con ingranaggio a vite senza fine e base a piedistallo; versione zincata / acciaio inox; peso circa 75 kg; Per maggiori dettagli, vedere la tabella
Draagvermogen tot 1.200 lb (544 kg); pneumatische bediening; 360º draaibaar; Anker met snelkoppeling; handlier met wormwiel en voetstukbasis; gegalvaniseerde / rvs uitvoering; gewicht ca. 75 kg; zie voor meer details hijtabel
Udźwig do 1,200 funtów (544 kg); praca pneumatyczna; obracany o 360º; Kotwa z szybkozłączem; wciągarka ręczna z przekładnią ślimakową i podstawą cokołu; wersja ocynkowana / ze stali nierdzewnej; waga ok. 75 kg; Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zobacz tabelę
Capacitate de greutate de până la 1.200 lb (544 kg); funcționare pneumatică; rotativ la 360º; Ancoră cu cuplaj rapid; troliu manual cu angrenaj melcat și bază de piedestal; versiune zincată / oțel inoxidabil; greutate aproximativ 75 kg; Pentru mai multe detalii, consultați tabelul
This offer is for guidance only. Please request more precise information from the seller.
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